Clay Bartholow's (W0LED) Question for the Net

Help needed for the Fete-Des-Lacs Events, July 19 & 20.

{idkey=1978b0[][title=Help+needed+for+the+Fete-Des-Lacs+Events%2C+July+19+%26amp%3B+20.+][desc=]}{cmp_start idkey=4353[][title=Help+needed+for+the+Fete-Des-Lacs+Events%2C+July+19+%26amp%3B+20.+][desc=]}


Friday, July 19th, arriving around 6:30 p.m., we will be helping with the Fireworks event in Laurie LaMotte Park.  We will have a small pot-luck dinner for our group before staging, and will stay until cleared by the pyrotechnics crew after all the shells have been accounted for, usually around 11:30 p.m. 

Saturday, July 20th, arriving around 6:30 a.m., we will be helping with the 5/8K runs around the lake, starting in Laurie LaMotte Park.  The runs usually finish just in time to head over to the parade event. 

Saturday, July 20th, arriving around 9:30 a.m., we will be helping with the Parade event being held on Main Street in Centerville.  We are staging at 1806 Main Street, which is where we will have our command post.  The event should be all cleared out by 1:00 p.m. 

I will send out more details to those that sign up, as the event date gets closer. 

Your help is sincerely appreciated. 

Please let me know the events you are able to help out with. 

Shawn Rung K0SMR
ACRC President


Contact Shawn


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