Centerville Fete Des Lacs Support Needed

To all Ham Radio Operators: and Club members,

This note is to let you all know about the events that the ACRC has going on this summer.

Now that the 4th of July is over we are looking forward to the Fete Des Lacs events.

The dates for the festivals dates have changed. They will run from July 18th thru July 23rd.

To see all of the events you can go to

The events that we are supporting are:

  • Fri night the 21st is the Fireworks at Trail Side Park. This year they will shooting the fireworks off out over the lake. We would like to have approx 12 people. We will meet at Centerville Elementary School at 6:30 pm. Talk in will be on 145.520 & the club repeater. 
  • Sat the 22nd is the Fun Run at Laurie LaMotte park we need to meet about 06:30 at the park. We need 12 people. This year there are also route changes. Talk in will be on 145.520 or the club repeater.
  • Sat the 22nd.  The Parade, after the fun run, we will go over to Pete’s house at 1806 Main Street. We need 12 people. 

These events are all family friendly and encouraged. Also if you have some friends that would like to help out or just come they are more than welcome.

If you can help out please E-Mail me at KB0GIP@ANOKA RADIO.ORG

Thanks and hope to see you there.


 Bob Cordell KB0GIP

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