Field Day 2019 Starts tonight
- Details
- Last Updated on Wednesday, June 26 2019 12:38
Site setup will begin tonight at 5:00 PM. We will be setting up the logging computers, radios, antenna systems and testing all of the gear so it is working and ready to go for Saturday. Your help is always welcome.
The Field Day event begins at 1:00 PM, our time, on Saturday. All members, friends, family, and the public are welcome and encouraged to attend our public event. We are running a 4A Station this year.
There will be an educational event for bonus points starting at 3:00 PM onsite. There will be cub and boy scouts from local packs joining us for this activity.
We will have a potluck supper meal starting at 6:00PM. Please bring a dish to share. Meat will be provided by the club.
We are looking for operators to help making contacts overnight. If you are available, your help will be greatly appreciated!
Field Day ends at 1:00PM on Sunday. Site teardown and cleanup will begin just after the end of the event. There is a mid-morning brunch planned for those that are helping with teardown.
As always, talk-in will be on the 146.670 repeater (114.8 tone).
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Field Day event!
Shawn Rung K0SMR
ACRC President