2017 Halloween Special Event Station
- Details
- Last Updated on Monday, October 02 2017 10:16
Anoka Radio Club and Emergency Services - W0YFZ - is hosting the Anoka Halloween Capital of the World 6th Annual Special Event Station on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 from 9 AM - 3 PM, and possibly park closing times at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park, located on the east side of LaMotte Drive, west of Centerville Road in Centerville, MN 55038.
Club members, friends, interested hobbyists, and those just interested are invited to stop by, make some contacts, share some snacks, or cheer us on.
We will be operating on three frequencies: 15 meters - 21.315; 20 meters - 14.245; and 40 meters - 7.215 (Adjust +/- depending upon traffic and band conditions.) Stations contacted may request QSL with SASE to W0YFZ on arrl.org. Local talk-in will be on the club repeater at 146.670, with a required input tone of 114.8.